Downloading Graphics By Peace Manor
I am no longer offering my graphics on this site, please click here instead.
Rules For Using Peace Manor Graphics:
Do NOT sell my graphics.
Do NOT alter my graphics in any way. Includes size and name.
Do NOT claim them as your own creation. Link back to my site if you use them on your website!
Do NOT place my tags on your website or fotki album.
Do NOT take my incredimail stationary apart or make into OE stationary.
Web Sets must have a link back to my site and email me with your website address.
Do NOT share my web sets with anyone else.
Do NOT give out my passwords to anyone. Have them sign up on their own.
Use no right click code on your site. How to info, click here
Please inform me when you see someone not following my rules.
Anyone not following my rules will not have any further access to my graphics. You will also be banned from any groups I host. I will take legal action for anyone selling my graphics. I have not and will not authorize anyone to sell my graphics. My graphics have been generously given out for free and therefore I expect that everyone will follow my rules and show respect.
I share all my graphics as I make them at my yahoo group:

Click to join Graphics_By_Peace_Manor
The Font used on this page is Tiranti. So that this page
looks as it was intendend, please download this font here.
© 1999-2005 Peace Manor